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I am born, bred and raised in Houston, Texas. My parents grew up in the segregated South post-depression, experiencing everything from poll taxes to the first African-American president. One thing that my parents always taught me before their homegoing was to put your faith in God and anything is possible. I write what I see, hence my first book, "Through my eyes". We all see things differently but I to try to represent a common man with a common background who lives a common life. For information about me, my written works or services available, please contact me or submit the below form. MP

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Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am-6pm
Sat: 10am-2pm
Sun: Closed

Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemor) is a jazz tune by the late great Donald Byrd. Byrd drew his inspiration from the statue Christ the Redeemer he viewed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Byrd was so moved by the manificence of the statue, he composed Cristo Redentor. An artist can draw their inspiration from anything at any time. A  sunset, a spring rain shower, a starlit night. Never miss a chance to express your feelings. 

We are all diverse. We have different likes, experiences, and goals. This is what makes us who we are. This is what makes us unique. I am made up of a wide range of things that shape me. From the phoenix, who teaches me to rise from the ashes of failure to the black panther who is a sign of strength and stealth to masonry which teaches me brotherhood. We must embrace our uniqueness and go forward and share that with our brothers and sisters. This is the basis of this website.....   My words convey my wisdom which is my power.  

I am Michael Powell


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Events and happenings

The Wilk Amite Record is up and running!

Everyone knows the story of the little engine that could. Well that is the story of The Wilk Amite Record. The little paper that could is about to celebrate its 125th birthday. In relation, the Houston Chronicle is 116 years old! We are working on the newspaper's birthday celebration in October of 2017. But for this event to be a success, we need your help. Please click on the 'Whats going on' button to get information on how to be a sponsor, purchase add space or to make a pledge. Just go on the Wilk Amite Record webpage and click on the 'About' button and select from the drop down box. Or you can always contact me directly.


                                My Words, My Wisdom, My Power!

The words of a common man


Welcome to My Words My Wisdom My Power. This site is about a common man trying to make a difference in the lives of everyday people through poetry and other contemporary literary works. Words are the most common yet powerful force in this world. Words can bring about wars, save lives and bring about change. Not big words but small words. We learn words as children. Not harsh words but simple words. And as children, we love unconditionally. I hope to share my words, through poetry, short stories or other literary works. Hopefully these works will bring joy to some, empowerment to some but in the end a hope that the trials we are all going through are temporary.

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